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Seasons, Moments, Stitches and More

Writer:  Rosaline Kaye Rosaline Kaye

Know the importance of the season you're in and a wise son you will be. But what a waste when an incompetent son sleeps through his day of opportunity. ~ Proverbs 10:5(TPT)

Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. ~ Ephesians 5:15-17

I took a break from writing here to give myself some time to think about what I really wanted this space to be. I felt like I was drifting all over the place with ideas and never really staying focused on a purpose. But I think I've finally landed. 😊

I want to truly embrace and make the most of the season I'm in and enjoy encourage others to do the same. Life is not truly lived in the "big moments" or at the "arrival" to a certain destination. True living is in the day to day moments, through each step of the journey.

Something I really enjoy doing is crocheting. I'm not particularly good at it and I don't know how to do any fancy stitches. But sometimes, as I'm crocheting, I look at the piece in my hands and realize the importance of each little stitch. It reminds me of life. Each stitch flows from the one before and leads into the next and together they create a whole. And in the same way way each moment of life flows from the moment before and leads into the next, and together they create a whole life.

I want to live a life of beautiful moments (not always easy, not always pleasant, but beautiful because God is in them) stitched together to create the masterpiece He designed. And I want to encourage and inspire others to live beautiful moments along with me.

This week I attempted (again) to make a sourdough starter and this time it seems to be working and I've even named her - Jane Dough. The starter is thriving (in this case thriving means bubbling and expanding) and I'm excited to try baking my first loaf of sourdough bread tomorrow. But in the meantime there is so much discard every day. The chickens benefited from some of it but I've also wanted to try some of the many recipes for sourdough discard I've been seeing. So this morning I made Sour Dough Coffee Cake. It turned out really good and we had it along with scrambled eggs and apples for breakfast.

For lunch we had Quesidillas made from some of the leftovers from the taco dinner Chris made for us yesterday. And for dinner this evening Chris made some amazing chili. It hit the spot on this cool, chilly (no pun intended) evening.

The kids enjoyed books and drawing today and we got our wiggles out with dance and exercise videos.

Here are some things that are bringing me glimmers of joy and gratitude - good books, cuddling kittens and fun projects.

And now, to conclude today's post I want to join up with Five Minute Friday where writers free write for five minutes on a one word prompt. The word for this Friday is Left.

When I think of the word left I think of something left behind, but I also think of moving forward. Because, in order to leave something behind, for it to be truly left, there has to be a moving away from it. And when I think of something I need to move away from the first thing that comes to mind is anxiety. And usually the anxiety stems not from something that might happen but from how I fear others will judge me. And that can be a big hinderance to living the life I am called to because there always seems to be a myriad of ways I can imagine other people will see me in a negative light. Today I choose to move forward in a life where fear of opinions is left behind.

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. ~ 1 Peter 5:7



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